Smart Lighting

7 benefits of controlled lighting within your home

Read Time: 2 minutes

A wide range of appliances – including dimmers, sensors and timers – can be built into a smart lighting control system, allowing you to control smart bulbs throughout your home intuitively.

So, how could controlled lighting help your household in a practical sense? Here are some tangible benefits this smart system can bring once it has been installed in your London property.

You can boost your home lighting’s energy efficiency

On the face of it, it might seem a simple equation that, the less often you use your lights, the more money you can save on your energy bills. However, it’s still easy to forget to switch off lights, so it’s merciful that you can do it remotely in the case of smart lights.

The lighting can be tailored to meet your preferences

How do you like your lighting? The days of having to entirely swap out bulbs just to change your lighting’s colour or tone are long gone. You adjust smart lighting solutions manually or, better still, through programming them to change automatically in specific situations.

The lighting can suit your waking routine

Of course, one of the first things you probably do after waking up in the morning is turn the lights on – but, if you’re still feeling groggy, you could fumble in the attempt. Alas, with smart lighting, you could just grab your phone on the bedside cabinet and tap “on”.

You can better secure your home even when you aren’t there

Nobody wants to leave their home at the mercy of burglars. Fortunately, though, burglars could be deterred from preying on your home if they see lights inside it turning on and off from time to time, suggesting that someone is in – when, in reality, you are just controlling that lighting from afar.

Smart lighting uses various sensors

Smart lighting generally relies on a range of sensors to ensure it can kick into action just when it is especially needed. Motion sensors, for example, mean lighting can switch on or off when someone enters or leaves the room, while light sensors can prompt smart lighting to dim if abundant sunlight starts trickling into the space and providing enough of the illumination it needs.

You can be more productive at home

This would be no small boon when you could currently be undertaking much of your work from home. Trying to work in unsuitably dim or bright lighting can be uncomfortable and so leave your productivity significantly hampered; you want to be able to adjust the lighting for the task at hand.

Controlled lighting is delightfully easy to use

One simple reason why is that you will be able to tinker with that lighting from just one control panel – whether that’s mounted to a wall of your home or instead on a smartphone or tablet display. Leave us to install your smart lighting so that you can “hit the ground running” with using it.